Tattoo Designs For Women – 5 Great Tattoos For the Female Form

Tattoo Designs For Women – 5 Great Tattoos For the Female Form

The female form is universally recognised as a beautiful…

Tattoo Designs For Women – 5 Great Tattoos For the Female Form

The female form is universally recognised as a beautiful thing and tattoo designs for women are a great way to adorn the body. But which tattoos are suitable for women? Are there any tattoo designs that will accentuate a woman’s beauty or simply look good on a woman?

Lower Back Tattoo Designs For Women

Although some deem these types of tattoos to be a little trashy, there are many people who admire them greatly. I think that they especially suit the female form, curved in many ways as it is in this area.

Many people opt for a tribal style, symmetrical tattoo here, usually in a single dark colour. More extravagant designs may curve around the mid-section or travel upwards and past the small of the back.

Star Tattoos For Women

Star tattoos look great on women and they can be placed in a number of areas. These stars usually feature five points and can be a black or multi-coloured.

Common places to get these tattoos placed are on the wrist, the front or back of the shoulder or on one side of the pelvis near the belt line.

Side Torso Tattoos For Women

It is very popular for women to get tattooed in this area. The front of the torso i.e. the chest, is more popular with men than women. The back is popular among women but the side of the torso seems to be regarded as an almost exclusively female area to get tattooed.

Climbing type flowers make for a great idea with this type of tattoo and are by far the most popular. Other good ideas are scripture or other forms of writing. Star tattoos are also quite popular in this location.

Butterfly Tattoo Designs For Women

Butterfly tattoos are extremely popular with women and this is a trend that started in the 90s. Butterflies have great symbolism in many cultures. Their general theme is one of rebirth in the face of change. They also have spiritual meaning in some cultures.

Quite why these tattoos are not so popular with men is not fully understood.

Foot Tattoo Designs For Women

Although men also get foot tattoos, it is mostly women who do at this present moment in time. Women usually reveal their feet more in public so this may be one reason why.

The feet are delicate and hurt more when tattooed so many designs in this location tend to be on the small side. Flowers or stars are by far the most popular type of tattoo for the feet.

Usually, only the tops of the feet are tattooed. You can get a tattoo on the sole of your foot but it will fade very easily due to friction.

Foot Tattoo Designs for Women – Tattoos

Foot Tattoo Designs for Women – Tattoos

All forms of body art were really religious, cultural and spiritual activities in…

Foot Tattoo Designs for Women – Tattoos

All forms of body art were really religious, cultural and spiritual activities in the past. Particular tribes in South America, islands in the Polynesia and regions in South America make use of tattooing as a rite of passage for young people or classification in terms of families’ social standing. Nowadays, it has become a very common pursuit among individuals from all walks of life. For a long time, this is considered as a taboo, something that should be kept rather than flaunted.

Now, everybody can be proud of these artificial body marks. Even women can parade around town with tattoos on their bodies. Naturally, the preference of men and women are varied. Some of the most common tattoo sites for females nowadays are still quite hidden from plain sight. One of these is the foot. Because of this, artists have come up with foot tattoo designs for women.

Foot tattoo designs for women can be found virtually anywhere. There are magazines and tattoo journals which feature several designs. The internet is also another source of amazing patterns for women.

Here are some of the most common foot tattoo designs for women:

Winged Creatures like Butterflies
These insects signify so many different things. Butterflies, for instance, symbolizes beauty and elegance. This is probably the main reason why women choose this for their body art. The metamorphosis of the butterfly means so much other than transformation or change. Other winged creatures like hummingbirds and dragonflies also symbolize several other things.

The Sun, Stars and Other Heavenly Bodies
Common foot tattoo designs for women can be used by men as well. This is proven by this category of patterns. There are significantly more meanings of these suns and stars compared to the first one. The significance behind each design depends on the overall appearance of the design as well.

Fairies, Angels and Unicorns
These kinds of foot tattoo designs for women are extremely pleasant for certain people or can get very sexy for others. There are many designs for women to choose from: cartoon characters, imps and pixies from well-known shows. Apart from this, the positioning of the tattoo easily be done.

Oriental Characters and Other Alphabets
These foot tattoo designs are probably the easiest to create. The most important thing that you need to be aware of would be the meanings of these Chinese and Japanese characters. The patterns can be found everywhere. You can also go for Cyrillic, Polynesian, Russian or other alphabets if you choose to.

Several online sites can offer hundreds to thousands of foot tattoo designs for women as well as men who want to get body or skin art. Whatever kind of pattern or design it is that you decide on, you must protect the tattoo well from infection or other unforeseeable problems. The most significant thing is to maintain the design, sheen or color and prevent immediate ruination.

Tattoo Designs for Women The 4 Most Amazing Girly Tattoos on the Planet

Tattoo Designs for Women The 4 Most Amazing Girly Tattoos on the Planet

With the growing popularity of tattoo designs for…

Tattoo Designs for Women The 4 Most Amazing Girly Tattoos on the Planet

With the growing popularity of tattoo designs for women there are seemingly endless tattoo ideas for girls to get inspired about. Let’s talk about four different types of popular tattoo designs that a lot of women are selecting for themselves these days.

1. Foot Tattoo Designs for Women

Many women often times enjoy getting tattoos on their feet because the location is fairly discrete. This can be very important if the woman has a job that requires her to appear professional and all times. Beware, many women often indicate that getting tattoos on their feet can be especially painful. You have a lot of design options to choose from, and you are only limited by your imagination.

2. Cross Tattoos For Women

It’s not just women who have a religious affiliation that are choosing to get cross tattoos. This particular design has become increasingly popular over the past several years. You may want to consider whether or not a tattoo of this kind would be well-suited to your own personal sense of style and personality. Also take into consideration the fact that if you become religiously unaffiliated, this particular type of tattoo design may lose its appeal with you.

3. Lower Back Tattoo Designs For Women

Sadly, lower back tattoo designs have often been referred to as so-called “tramp stamps.” Nothing could be further from the truth. There are a wide variety of very classy women who choose to get this type of tattoo because it’s location is reasonably discreet and you don’t actually have to see every day. Some women indicate that they actually prefer this. Women who are particularly adventurous souls will often have humorous designs and messages incorporated into lower back tattoos — with the primary audience being one of their lovers who are interacting with them from behind! This is a growing trend.

4. Flower Tattoos For Girls

Finally, there are the ever popular flower tattoos for girls. There is nothing actually standard about this particular style of tattoo. The options are virtually limitless. One reason why these particular types of tattoos have become increasingly popular stems in large part from the fact that they are somewhat classic and timeless.

In conclusion, tattoo designs for women are constantly evolving with the boundaries pushed further away from what was considered ?normal’. Think about what works for you and will suit your tastes and individuality for years to come. Make it special and meaningful. Be bold and confident.

Flower tattoo designs for women | Tattoo Designs

Flower tattoo designs for women | Tattoo Designs

Foot Tattoo Designs for Women
There are plenty of…

Flower tattoo designs for women | Tattoo Designs

Foot Tattoo Designs for Women
There are plenty of beautiful designs that can be used as foot tattoos for women. The popularity of these foot tattoos is growing day by day. The designs used for foot tattoos are simple, small in size, not very complex and also the time and money required to get them is less. Just name the type of design you want on your foot, cute, sexy or feminine, foot tattoos for girls are all available, with a wide array of designs and colors. Fairies, flowers, angels, etc are some of the popular types of tattoo designs.

Angel Tattoo: This makes for one of the feminine designs that can be used for foot tattoo. Angels are known as protectors, and if you are spiritual then this tattoo can be the best to reflect your personality. You may like to get a tattoo design that has a number of angels in it. But keep in mind that the foot area is small, so you can get just one or two such angels. You can even give a try to cartoon angels or cherubs.

Read more on:

  • Angel Tattoos for Women
  • Guardian Angel Tattoo

Flower Tattoo: Flower tattoos always work best as feminine tattoo designs. Flowers have always been associated with some importance and meanings. To know more on flower meanings, read, symbolic meaning of flowers. Thus, you can get a flower tattoo that will portray some meaningful message. Blooming flower tattoos make some of the great foot tattoo designs for girls.

Fairy Tattoo: One more popular feminine tattoo is getting a fairy design. Fairies can be drawn colored in different ways, that will reflect your personality. You can get a sexy looking or a simple shy beautiful fairy. So, get a fairy tattoo that is close to your nature.

Pros and Cons of Foot Tattoo Designs for Women
The main advantage of a foot tattoo is, if you do not want to expose the tattoo to others, you can easily hide the tattoo. Foot is a very rare place to get a tattoo and hence, foot tattoos look very striking and impressive. On the other hand, there are some disadvantages of foot tattoo designs. When you get a foot tattoo, you need to do a lot of foot tattoo care, when the tattoo is healing. Because, since our feet are the most exposed regions, they are susceptible to infections. Foot tattoo healing takes a lot of time and needs special attention. These tattoos are more painful as compared to getting tattoos on other parts of our body. Read more on foot tattoos – do they hurt. Foot tattoos blur easily and at faster rate. Keep in mind that foot tattoo over the bone will pain a lot, while if you get it over a fleshy region it will comparatively pain less.

Finding an expert at tattoo making is very important, when it comes to foot tattoos. So, if you want to get one of those foot tattoo designs for women, find an experienced tattoo artist. Decide the exact area on the foot where you want the tattoo. Once you get the tattoo, take good care of your feet, as they are prone to infections. Use sunscreen lotions to protect your foot tattoo. Avoid swimming and contact with chlorinated water for longer periods of time, during the healing phase.

Cute Tattoo Designs for Women and Where to Get the Best Ones

Cute Tattoo Designs for Women and Where to Get the Best Ones

The whole field of tattoos for women is growing at a…

Cute Tattoo Designs for Women and Where to Get the Best Ones

The whole field of tattoos for women is growing at a tremendous rate. If you think back even 20 years ago tattoos for women were not all that popular and most of the women getting them were keeping them covered up. However times have definitely changed and tattoo designs have really advanced at a tremendous rate. Today’s tattoo have more brilliant colors and are a far cry from your grandfathers Hawaiian girl tattoo on his forearm.

It used to be that women would get an occasional rose or name tattoos on their breast or some well hidden spot. However with current fashion trends there are tons of cute tattoo designs for women out there are women are now getting tattoos at an amazing rate.

Women’s tattoo designs and placement have also changed with this new growth. No longer are women getting simple tattoos that they keep well hidden. Women are now getting cute tattoo designs done and placing them in more visible places.

Some of the most popular items to get tattoos of are:

1. Shooting Star Tattoos

2. Butterfly Tattoos

3. Unicorn Tattoos

4. Angel Tattoos

5. Fairy Tattoos

6. Dragonfly tattoos

7. Flower design tattoos

The most popular places for women to get tattoos done are:

1. lower back tattoo (especially popular recently with the whole hip hugger jeans)

2. ankle tattoos

3. front side of the hips (again hip hugger jeans have made this more popular)

4. butt cheek left or right

5. Belly button area

Another thing that this trend of women getting tattoos is that women often seek out custom tattoo designs. They don’t go to the local parlor and just by a tattoo flash design that is on display there. Women seem to spend a great deal more time contemplating the tattoos that they want done and tend to have more requirements about what they want. Therefore women tend to get custom tattoo designs. This allows them to get the exact look and feel they want and a custom designed tattoo is also fit to the location on the persons body so that it fits well.