Lower back tattoos

Lower back tattoos

Many women are getting their own unique lower back piece tattoo. Females in the past have been labeled…

Lower back tattoos

Many women are getting their own unique lower back piece tattoo. Females in the past have been labeled as good time girls if they had a lower back tattoo. Tramp Stamp was the name given to the lower back tattoo design. This stereotype was usually given to young women in extremely low cut jeans, showing off their standard lower back tattoo design. Times have changed and now lower back tattoos show the style and attitude of the ones that have them. With many new and improved designs available you can choose ideas to reflect your individual personality in tattoo piece.

There are different reasons for that popularity, firstly the practicality of the location, when a tattoo has to be concealed it can be without any problems at all. For people who cannot have tattoos visible at work it can practical. Getting ink out there for people to see is easily done also. This is one of the most sensual places a woman can have her tattoo. Tattoo locations on ?a women that appeal to men along with the lower back are the neck and hip.

Popular styles and design ideas are listed below

A favored style amongst women for lower back tattoo designs is the tribal tattoo. That is not to say that they are commonplace. There is such a variety of designs available and by incorporating your design with other symbols you can easily make a unique piece.

Floral designs can be created to work well as a lower back tattoo. Use your favorite flower in conjunction with other styles to create a unique piece.

Butterflies are used a lot in lower back and general tattooing. I have seen many butterfly images combined with tribal designs in black which makes for an incredible effect. A butterfly as an image on its own with many different colors can also create a beautiful design.

Writing has also become a common style for lower back tattoo. I have seen such phrases as “till death do us part” or “Made in the USA”. Something as simple as a loved ones name may be what you choose for your special tattoo.

Utilize the stars, moon and sun for your special piece. They can be used in any combination or individually.

The last popular lower back tattoo design that I will mention are fairy images. Fairies are special symbols for people and are a favored image for lower back tattoos. A classic fairy image is that of “Tinkerbell” from Peter Pan.

This is a short insight into lower back tattoo designs and I hope this has given you some ideas to think about. You will have realized that there is a lot to think about when choosing your lower back tattoo design. I hope this has helped you a small way towards finding that awesome lower back tattoo design. All the best with your search for that perfect tattoo design.

The 4 Top Lower Back Tattoo Designs

The 4 Top Lower Back Tattoo Designs

In your quest for lower back tattoo designs to finding the one that suites you can be…

The 4 Top Lower Back Tattoo Designs

In your quest for lower back tattoo designs to finding the one that suites you can be taxing. New statistics display that 1 in 5 women who have a tattoo, has it on her lower back which supports an increase in ink at this locality. There are a few spots on a woman’s body that are considered sexy, so it’s not hard to discern why they are evermore prevalent.

Of the two most attractive places on a female’s body to get a tat, the lower back and neckline would be the best two. The foremost reason for this is the ease with which they can be covered. When you’re at work in the break room, they can effortlessly be covered by a shirt. And Friday night following work, they can be seen by anybodywith some low cut jeans and a constricted high-riding shirt.

The following are some of the more popular lower back tattoo designs:

1) Dolphin Tattoos – Because of the sweet nature of these designs, they are a preference among women.

2) Flower Designs – These are a stylish alternative for women, particularly on the lower back. A good number of women like flowers, not just to get them, but to have them inked on their bodies as well.

3) Tribal Design – These are the most common. There are a wide range of Tribal designs from Sun to Celtic.

4) Dragon Designs – You can discover these on more daring and adventurous women. Dragon designs are exceedingly well-liked in Asian women but can also be found in alternative ethnicities.

Deciding on a tattoo can be quite taxing. There is no scarcity of designs out there, so it’s a beneficial idea to compare a couple and not dash into any decisions. It’s easy to second guess yourself. This is why it’s a good intention to take some time to designate the accurate decision. You do not want to dash into anything and afterward soon after grieve over it. The resolution to take off an unwanted tattoo later on in life can be painful and be costly.

Make sure to dress correctly when you go out to acquire the tattoo. This would entail a baggy clothing that allows the tattoo artist to function easily. After receiving your tattoo, there are a few item’s you should bear in mind. All through the recuperation process, ensure to wear clothes that do not fit closely. Scarring can come about if the clothes are too skin-tight and rubs on the tattooed region over a term. Scars will derail and blemish the tattoo leaving you misreable. Thanks for reading this story, and I hope it answered some of your questions.

Lower Back Tattoo Designs

Lower Back Tattoo Designs

Nowadays lower back tattoo designs are hardly an original choice these since about one fifth of…

Lower Back Tattoo Designs

Nowadays lower back tattoo designs are hardly an original choice these since about one fifth of women who do have a tattoo have one on their lower back. It is difficult to see young women without a lower back tattoo and has become so common that the derogatory term “Tramp Stamp” has come about. This term is usually applied to those young women in low cut jeans and crop top showing off a generic tribal tattoo design.It’s easy to understand why the they are so popular. There are a few places on a woman’s body that can be thought of as sensual. Many any consider the most sensitive areas to be the the neck and the lower back. The ease with which you can hide your lower back tattoos has resulted in increased popularity and they have a tantalizing and sensual appeal to men. Unlike other areas of the body, the lower back is completely covered up by a shirt. You can show your tattoo off when you want which is ideal for those who may frowned upon for having a tattoo on display in the workplace.

There is a wide variety of lower back tattoo designs and styles. Some of the more popular include-

    • Flower Designs are a popular first choice for women and especially in the lower back area.
  • Dolphin Tattoos also look good on the lower back and can be especially cute. Other cute tattoos include butterfly tattoos. 
  • Tribal Designs are the most common lower back tattoo designs that you see on women. The most popular tribal designs include Star, Sun and Celtic styles. Many tribal designs are inspired by styles from Polynesia. 
  • Dragon Designs are reserved for the more adventurous and always look fantastic.

If you decide on a lower back tattoo design then make sure you follow this advice. You must wear loose fitting pants to prevent any unnecessary rubbing against your new tattoo throughout the healing process. Make sure to wear something loose when you do visit the tattoo artist as it will make it easier to do the job.

It sounds obvious but research the tattoo you want to get and if there is any doubt in your mind about getting it then find another design that you are totally happy about. Tattoo removal is expensive and painful. Don’t get a lower back tattoo design because all of your friends have one or just because it is in fashion right now.

When you finally decide on a lower back tattoo design be sure that it is unique expression of yourself and that you will be delighted with it for the rest of your life.

Lower Back Tattoo Designs For Women – Lower Back Tattoos Information

Lower Back Tattoo Designs For Women – Lower Back Tattoos Information

Lower back tattoos are becoming part of the…

Lower Back Tattoo Designs For Women – Lower Back Tattoos Information

Lower back tattoos are becoming part of the mainstream culture. What was formerly associated with shady characters and thugs have now become an accepted art form that can be seen in a wide segment of society, from celebrities to young office workers in many urban centers the world over. Pop culture may have a lot to do with the emergence of tattoos as an acceptable medium of expression but tattoos have proven that they have transcended the quality of being a fad.What many people do not know is that tattoos have been around for centuries already especially the lower back tattoos for women. Many primitive tribes have used it as a form of self-adornment. It is also very unlikely that tattoos will go away anytime soon. Fact is, it is expected to become even more popular as years go by.

One of the most popular tattoo designs, especially among women, is the butterfly lower back tattoo. There are many reasons why this particular kind of tattoo is very famous. One reason is because the butterfly in itself is a very popular symbol. As a creature, the butterfly symbolizes many things the first and foremost of which is rebirth or reinvention. It is one of the best symbols to represent the emergence of a women and her transformation from being a little girl into a young lady. Like the caterpillar that emerges from a cocoon a beautiful butterfly, a young girl also undergoes a similar transformation when she becomes a woman. And having a butterfly lower back tattoo is one of the best ways to commemorate the life-changing event.

Many may ask though why the butterfly tattoo is commonly located in the lower back. It is probably because the lower back is one of the most sensual body part of a woman. It is one part of her body that she can safely show off without baring too much. A butterfly lower back tattoo can easily be seen if a woman is wearing low-cut jeans and a mid-riff. Of course, it gets noticed when the a woman is wearing a bikini. A butterfly lower back tattoo actually adds to the sexiness of a woman by drawing attention to one of the most attractive parts of her body which is the curve of her lower back.

If you are looking for a unique butterfly lower back tattoo design then one of the best places to look for is the Internet. There are many sites on the Internet that offer thousands of downloadable and printable butterfly lower back tattoo designs that you can take to a tattoo artist. All you will need is join one of these sides so that you can get access to their design gallery. Then you will need to choose a tattoo design that is unique, Has a meaning and you also like. One of the good things about online reputable tattoo databases is that they have a lot of options of high quality tattoo designs.

Lower back tattoo designs for women are feminine and they always never rob a woman’s femininity. The lower back of a woman is sensual too and that is one of the reasons why women like to design their lower backs. If you are looking for a lower back tattoo designs for women or any kind of tattoo designs, I recommend you check reputable online tattoo databases.

Lower back tattoo designs for girls | Tattoo Designs

Lower back tattoo designs for girls | Tattoo Designs

Tattoos are now a trend commonly followed by people. This is an all…

Lower back tattoo designs for girls | Tattoo Designs

Tattoos are now a trend commonly followed by people. This is an all time hit fashion which an individual of any age can wear. There are a lot of options in terms of placement when you decide to get a tattoo inked over your body. From a delicate tattoo on the toe till the stunning tattoos on entire back, there are a lot of choices. Lower back is one such place most of the girls prefer to get a tattoo inked over. Each body part has its own pros and cons of having a tattoo. Well, if you are wondering about the tattoos for girls on the lower back, let me tell you that its main advantage is that you can hide these whenever required. Moreover, there is a wide range of options in lower back tattoos for girls which we will explore in this article. Keep reading.

Lower Back Tattoo Placement Options for Girls

Lower back tattoos for girls mainly add up to the features of the women’s figure. Usually done in elongated shapes and designs these highlight the curves and give a sexy touch. Lower back tattoo designs for girls are commonly those which extend from center towards both the sides equally. Though larger in length, these are not much wider. These mostly cover the lower back and are rarely extended upwards on the back area. The lower back tattoos for girls are so choose, to be completely visible from crop tops and t-shirts. You have the advantage of covering these in formal dressing and flaunting these with low waist and crop tops elsewhere. Those on one side of the lower back area is also a commonly opted placement option.

Lower Back Tattoo Designs for Girls

If you want to have small design instead of the oblong shaped pattern, butterfly lower back tattoos are the best choice. These can be done in colors or only in black ink. The shooting star tattoo design is also a perfect choice for lower back tattoos for women. Celtic cross tattoos look classic when placed on the lower back. Sun tribal lower back tattoo designs for girls are amongst the commonly opted ones. A unique idea is to have a lower back tattoo with name. You can pair celtic, floral or heart shaped tattoo designs with this lettering tattoo.

Tattoo designs for lower back look best when kept delicate. Large designs hardly look good on this female body part. Cute lower back tattoos for girls are the best to enhance the beauty of female body and also look stylish. Lovely hummingbird or dolphin tattoos are also amongst the best tattoos to grace the lower back area. Heart tattoos are also a fave of many girls which look great when inked on this area. Curvy vine tattoos look beautiful when inked over the lower back.