Choosing the Perfect Butterfly Tattoo Design

Choosing the Perfect Butterfly Tattoo Design

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Choosing the Perfect Butterfly Tattoo Design

Butterfly tattoo designshave been around for a long time, and there are some great ones out there. Choosing the right one can be a long, hard process, but I want to help you make your decision a little easier.There are litterally thousands and thousands of butterfly tattoo designs that you can find both online and offline. You could visit your local tattoo parlor and spend hours looking at their flashes in all of their books. Or can you can spend countless hours online trying to find a design that you like.

I just want to say that when choosing a design for a tattoo, try to make it mean something personal to you. You can have a butterfly tattoo and still have it mean something personal. You can do many things like add a name in the design, add your favorite flower, or even a symbol of how you live. The choices are limitless.

Just don’t make a newbie mistake and get a butterfly tattoo just because it looks cool. What looks cool now may become boring and ugly down the road. On the other hand, if you add your personal touch to the design and make it mean something to you, you will have a conversation peice that you can talk about for many years and you will be proud to show it off.

Placement can be a big part in getting a tattoo. Butterflies are most often found on women, but I suppose it could be for a guy. Buy placing the tattoo is also a tough choice. Do you work at a place that frowns against tatoos? If so be sure that you choose a place that you can hide during work and show off when you want. A good spot would be something like the shoulder, ankle, or back.

If you can put your tattoo wherever you like without fear that you may have to cover it one day, feel free to put it where you want. Another great way to make your butterfly tattoo design sexy and stand out is to add color. A little color can go a long way. Light blue and pink can make it really sexy and will blend nicely with just about and skin tone. I have seen some rib butterfly tattoos that are really sexy. Talk about being noticed at the beach. Wow.

Popular Butterfly Tattoos Designs To Choose From

Popular Butterfly Tattoos Designs To Choose From

If you have been thinking about butterfly tattoos designs, you’ll have…

Popular Butterfly Tattoos Designs To Choose From

If you have been thinking about butterfly tattoos designs, you’ll have to do some soul-searching. This is mainly because it is a permanent mark on your body that you have to be happy with. Therefore, here are some ideas of the popular butterfly tattoo designs to choose from. You’ll be happy to know, there are an endless amount of them out there. And, if you’re not happy with those, you can always design your own.For example, Chinese butterfly tattoo designs have become extremely popular over the last few years. This may have to do with the beautiful sayings that the culture has, coupled with some Hollywood stars who have them displayed on their bodies.

Along with those, the Celtic butterfly designs are also a great option. But you can also choose from a combination of butterflies and angels, dragons, stars, crosses, flowers, zodiac signs, and literally anything else that comes to mind. Becoming creative with your own butterfly tattoo design can be a lot of fun, and can really say a lot about you.

For example, one fighter has a butterfly with fangs, tattooed across his fist all the way up his forearm. While that may not be right for you, it says something about him. That’s exactly the route you should be taking. A tattoo that is unique and true to your personality.

For your choices, it is recommended that you do enough research. There are lots of resources that have tons of butterfly tattoos designs. One of the best places that you could look for ideas is online. The Internet has blessed us with all kinds of information and all types of shopping, including in this field.

So, take advantage of the many butterfly tattoos designs available online. You can even buy the butterfly design, print it, and take it down to the tattoo artist of your choice. Make sure that the artist is a reputable one that comes highly recommended.

Butterfly Tattoo Designs – Butterfly Tattoos

Butterfly Tattoo Designs – Butterfly Tattoos

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Butterfly Tattoo Designs – Butterfly Tattoos

Butterfly tattoos are some of the most popular tattoos in the world right now. These amazing pieces of art look great almost anywhere on the body. butterfly tattoo designs are perfect for your back, arm, leg or any other part of your body. A poll conducted online in January 2008 estimated that 14% of all adults in the United States have at least one tattoo. Tattoos are popular all over the world, especially among men and women aged 18-29.If you are interested in getting a butterfly tattoo (or any other kind), it’s a great idea to sign up for an account at an online tattoo gallery. These websites allow you to view thousands of professional tattoo designs, making it easy for you to choose the tattoo of your dreams. Due to the expense involved in getting a tattoo and because a tattoo is perminent for life, spending a few dollars on a membership to one of these websites is well worth the money.

Chopper Tattoo and TattooMeNow are the best tattoo design galleries online. Both websites feature large tattoo databases with dozens of amazing butterfly tattoos and thousands of other designs. Whether you are planning to get one tattoo or one dozen, I urge you to visit both of these websites and join the one you think will help you find the best butterfly tattoo design.

Butterfly Tattoo Designs – Expressions of Freedom and Beauty

Butterfly Tattoo Designs – Expressions of Beauty and Freedom

One of the most popular tattoo choices among women are <a…

Butterfly Tattoo Designs – Expressions of Beauty and Freedom

One of the most popular tattoo choices among women are butterfly tattoo designs. The light, free creative spirit of the butterfly makes it ideal for small to medium sized tattoos. Women like a butterfly design for the same reason they like flowers, angels, cherubs and crosses. They have meaning, contain colors women enjoy and look great when placed on an ankle or shoulder.It’s easy to see why a female would like a butterfly tattoo. They are not only beautiful and delicate; they can be colored in any imaginable color combination. They look just as beautiful in bright, vivid colors and they do in muted pastels, or minimalist black. And when it comes to shapes, there are a myriad of choices.

Let’s face it, butterflies are cool. They are beautiful to look at and their silent grace pacifies and captivates all that see them. They are also symbolic in many ways as the otherwise unattractive larvae grows into a beautiful creature. I’m sure that that acts upon people on a deep psychological level and plays a substantial role in the popularity of butterfly tattoo designs.

What woman doesn’t want such a creature tattooed on her body, a symbol of grace, freedom and survival? A butterfly tattoo is appropriate for any age as well. It will remain suitable throughout a woman’s lifetime. This alone makes it an excellent option for young females who fear waking up one day too old for their tattoo. A butterfly is an ageless symbol and easy to carry with you through life.

A butterfly tattoo is easy to have customized to suit a person’s taste and style as well. They come in all shapes, sizes, color combinations and look good no matter where they are placed. You can’t go wrong with this particular tattoo design. It looks stunning placed on a hip, or stomach, back or chest. It floats freely wherever it is applied and needs nothing else to make it beautiful. It is a tattoo that can easily stand alone.

Some women choose to have a name inscribed on or near their butterfly tattoo. Particularly good tattoo artists have created the body of the butterfly using the letters of a person’s name. A name or several words can also be placed along the edge of a wing. Women most often choose their own name, or the name of a child placed with their butterfly.

If you are considering butterfly tattoo designs for your tattoo, follow your imagination and take your time to look through all of your options. Don’t hesitate to be creative by adding a name, or two butterflies side by side.? The possibilities are limitless. It is an excellent tattoo option that is easy to make uniquely your own.

Butterfly Tattoo Designs – How Girls Can Become Sexy And Cute At The Same Time

Butterfly Tattoo Designs – How Girls Can Become Sexy And Cute At The Same Time

Are you a girl or woman looking to get a…

Butterfly Tattoo Designs – How Girls Can Become Sexy And Cute At The Same Time

Are you a girl or woman looking to get a tattoo? Maybe you want to look sexy and hot with some inked up skin? Well, there are many things that go into a tattoo such as location, who makes the tattoo and what kind of tattoo you get.

A very popular tattoo for women is the butterfly tattoo designs, which can be put in a lot of fun places like the side of the stomach, lower back, shoulder, shoulder blade, arms, legs and much, much more. There is no limit as to where you can place the butterfly tattoo design, because it’s such an innocent creature.

You can say a lot of things with a tattoo and the butterfly is one of those tattoos that anybody can get. It doesn’t make you look “cute” or “hardcore”, but it can mean both depending on how the butterfly tattoo looks.

If you are unsure of whether or not to get a tattoo, don’t get it. It’s hard to reverse, if at all possible without expensive lasers, so make sure that you really love your tattoo and think that it will be with you for the rest of your life.

A tattoo is a permanent mark on your body, so unless you plan on sticking with your tattoos then don’t get one. The fact that a tattoo is permanent is what is so great about the butterfly tattoo designs, as it can work for both a young hip girl/woman/babe, as well as an older woman who is getting their first tattoo or their old tattoo is starting to fade.

If I had to choose a tattoo for a woman, I’d definintely go with the butterfly or dolphin… These are cute and sexy and doesn’t make you look to try hard.

If you are more into “hardcore” tattoos and stuff, then I wouldn’t recommend getting the butterfly tattoo. You can probably work with something more daring, such as more agressive animals, images of people, larger tattoo designs or full arm designs.

You might like to go with a star pattern for example, which is very popular as well, but can be expanded upon. You can build vines, buildings, cars, sayings etc onto a larger tattoo, but for the butterfly tattoo design I recommend having it standalone and making the butterfly the main attraction.

It could be surrounded by flowers for example, this would be cool.